Music and Theatre

For the first task i have chosen to find information on Music and Theatre in Preston. The main place of focus that i will be using is the Preston Guild Hall that is located in Preston’s Town Centre. The Preston Guild Hall is an entertainment venue that has been around since 1973 and has hosted many pantomimes, dance shows and music events. There have also been a fair few celebrities that have performed here such as Led Zeppelin, the Jackson 5 and even David Bowie.

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These are the images that i have gotten for this task. Some of them are images that i have found when researching the Preston Guild Hall and some of them are screenshots from the Preston Guild Halls website but the main thing is that they are all images that particularly stand out to me because they all are examples of the goings on inside the theatre apart from the first one that is mainly an establishing shot that would be the main image on my magazine cover. The other images are useful to this task as they are examples of Musicals, Pantomimes and Band shows that go on within the theatre.



This is a full merger of all of the images that i have collected, i have done this to practice with the types of tools that are available to me when using Photoshop, however it also gives me an insight into how i could place images when making the magazine cover. For this i have not only merged images to my own pleasing, i have also used paurticular tools in order to gain the effects you can see. I have used the rubber tool in order to cleanly remove the background from the female singer and then i used the blur tool to blend it in with the background but keep it looking more infront. With the band in the top left, i have used the blur tool again but have slightly increased the opacity in order for it to have those rugged/jagged features and then i messed around with the saturation in order for it to look darker. For the performing band in the bottom left corner, i have used the blur tool again but this time only around the top part of the image. I then messed around with the hue on this one and made it quite redder, this gives a look at how perfect the lighting in the image actually is. Finally for the guitarist, i used both the rubber and the blur tool in order to single out the bit that i wanted but not too much because i quite like the sort of torn image effect. I then also changed the hue and saturation in order to make the image darker yet also make it more blue than it originally was.