Lighting in Photography and Film







Film Trailer

Lighting techniques

Full Lighting

Full lighting is pretty much what it says it is, it makes sure that the entire area of whatever is being photographed is all well lit up. In order to pull of full lighting it may only require one single light source. Where is this type of lighting used? It is mainly used in fashion photography that is showcasing clothing but also the model in shot so you see them and think how beautiful they look. Whilst it is used in fashion it may also be used in model photography for the sake of magazines and maybe similar products. Product photography also uses full lighting the same way the others do, to make the product look good. Full lightnings purpose is to pretty much disregard all shadows, the less shadow the better.

Side Lighting

Image result for side lighting

Side lighting is again what it says it is, the source of the light can be on either side of the subject usually from left to right or possibly the other way around. Side lighting is a very good way to add a more dramatic and dark/ tense feeling to a photo, that could have been a lot more boring then used without, while side lighting can add to the mood of the photo it also is used to exceptionally capture texture and feeling by having the source of the light on the side it helps the camera pick up the texture on the face easier with the uneven surfaces like the nose on the models facial area.

Rembrant Lighting


Rembrandt lighting, which is also known as masculine lighting, is yet another technique that uses lighting to make the model/object look a particular way. In order to pull off this technique, you will require one light and a reflector if you are more professional or just two lights, either will do there is no general requirement besides these. If the technique is successful there will be an inverted triangle that is on the opposite side of the light source and if is used on a model, will normally appear on the side of the nose, it is very important to make sure that you catch the light in both eyes for the effect to work. This particular lighting is best suited for models with full or round faces as it slims the face as well as adding a certain seriousness.

Butterfly Lighting


The butterfly lighting is solely used in portrait photography, in order to use the butterfly technique the light needs to be placed above the model and directly centered with their face. If this is obviously done correctly there should be shadows under the nose of the model and if the persons cheekbones are exceptionally deep enough there will be plenty of shadows. The lighting technique is mainly to make the subject look more beautiful so this technique will be seen definitely more in glamour/beauty magazines compared to other sources.

Colored Lighting

Colored lighting is quite simple looking when you see it however it can be proven quite difficult to get it to look right. Colored lighting is simply a transparent sheet that should cover whatever you’re using as the light source, this could also be multiple actual colored lights which are used from multiple angles in order to compliment each other. When using colored lighting you are working with many different types of coloring so deciding what color you want to use can have a huge impact on the final photo, colours are usually associated with emotions e.g  red=anger, blue=sadness and yellow= happy.


John Rankin Waddell is a British photographer who’s work mainly consists of portrait and fashion. He is also the founder of Dazed and Confused magazine and has worked with names like Kate Moss, Madonna and David Bowie. Most of his work uses pretty intense lighting, working shadows into his favor while also using bright lighting in a similar way. Here is one of Rankin’s many pieces of work, a shot of one of Britain’s former prime ministers Tony Blair. This shot has full lighting written all over it as it has no shadow of any sort. This shot tells me that it is exceedingly professional and the way that his arms are folded shows that he is quite a serious man. The effect of black and white has been used as what i believe to be a way to cover facial wrinkles and blemishes but ultimately to make him look slightly younger.


The composition of this photo is pretty much centered whilst also using a slight bit of negative space. The photo has also been edited or in camera edited to be black and white, which again with the high contrast between the light and the shadows having it in black and white makes it more dramatic and clean.


The content of the photo is simply of Tony Blair looking straight towards the camera as if to show how much of an important person he is.


My comment on this photo would be that the lighting that was chosen was in fact perhaps the best option as i don’t think any other type of lighting would be suited for a political leader. I do also like the black and white effect used on the photo as it does help to cover any form of wrinkle and/or blemish like i mentioned earlier. Overall i like the way he’s made him look serious and professional and just ultimately an important person.




This monologue is taken from and episode of Doctor Who where the Mistress aka the Master is talking to the Doctor about some pretty serious things. The dramatization and seriousness from a character who is normally quite crazy really works well to deliver this kind of speech.



Final Photos




Research Types




The primary form of research is your own research, so pretty much yourself going out to conduct the research by your self . So this can include you going out handing surveys to people on the street, asking people to part take in questionnaires or holding interviews to ask people direct questions about any topic you want.

The benefits of primary research is that you know that the research is not forged because your the one who conducted the research. On the other hand the disadvantages of primary research is you will be limited to the area around you, so it’s kinda restricting you.


Secondary research is research that someone else has located/ found, so you would go on the internet and you might read a blog or article of some sort and they might have done a survey on a topic that you are currently researching, so you might use it. But it may still use the same techniques like the primary source of researching like, questionnaires, interviews and surveys etc.

Disadvantages of using the secondary source of research is you didn’t conduct yourself so it may not be relevant to you or it might be forged or completely fabricated. Although there are problems with secondary research the benefits of using this source is it gives you a wider scale across the information that the world has to offer. But you’ve always got to check the date of  when the information was published because time isn’t something we have a lot of and it could be be relevant to anyone.