Digital Production- Digital production is the main step of creating a product.

Digital Publishing- The distribution process that occurs when a product is completed.

What are digitally published products?



It is any product that is produced and published in a digital format such as:

  • Posters
  • Flyers
  • Web sites
  • Pop ups
  • Apps
  • Social Media
  • Album Covers







How are digitally published products used?




There are several ways that digitally produced products are used including:

  • Advertisements
  • Education
  • Informative
  • Entertainment
  • Promotion
  • Marketing




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Where are digitally produced products published and what forms can they take?




Digitally produced products can take many forms and can be published to any digital device, this succeeds in making them far more accessible. Some forms that they can take include the following:

  • PDF file
  • Video File
  • Applications
  • Online Games
  • Questionnaires
  • Form filing


Here is a link to a website from where you can download video files.



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Here is a link to a game website.



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Here is a link to a questionnaire page.



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Why do certain products contain different types of content?




The way that certain products contain different types of content depends on the audience of whom the product is for. E.g the age of the target audience matters a lot incase of appropriation but also its purpose. The other things that matter include any form of text and/or imaging or perhaps even these things combined.

Text only content is used to make a point or provide quick and simple information. A letter is an example of this as its a simple piece of paper which is used to either complain to or thank an individual for a particular point. Another product would be a receipt as its used to tell you prices and is an item that can allow you to be refunded. Most of these items require a more formal text as they need to be quick to the point.

Image result for letter

Image only content can be used to show how or what an item of interest looks like incase you’re buying or selling it e.g Amazon or Ebay show the items instead of completely bombarding you with useless or unnecessary information and they show you with good quality.

Image result for ebay websiteImage result for amazon website


Text and images combined are mostly used in that of newspapers and magazines where they will use both in order to mostly share information however also the images help to visualise the situation and tell you who were involved, what happened and where the issue is.


Image result for newspapers

What are the advantages of digital publishing compared with traditional print?



There are several ways that digital publishing has more advantages than traditional print. Digital print machines are essentially just large laser printers like you might have in your office. They are much faster and print to a very high quality. Litho print is the more traditional printing method as it uses printing plates which apply each of the four colours (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) to a roller which itself then applies an image to paper. The ink used in this is is liquid based whereas the ink used in digital printing is fine coloured powder. The reason why Digital Printing has a higher advantage over traditional print is because of quality. The quality of digital printing has improved significantly over the past years so much that traditional printing presses can so longer actually keep up with them in terms of speed also as well as versatility. Unlike the traditional printing method the digital printing method has no need to prepare plates so therefore minimal set up time is required.